Edie Stringfellow
Director, Diversity & Inclusion, Massachusetts Biotechnology Council
Edie Stringfellow drives strategy and manages the day-to-day implementation of MassBio’s on-going initiative to improve diversity and inclusion throughout the life sciences industry. She serves as a resource and liaises with members, partners and all stakeholders within the biotech community who share in the purpose of advancing an inclusive workplace environment. She assists members with shifting mindset and “reframing the narrative” of diversity through education, outreach, and advocacy.
Prior to joining MassBio, she was the Marketing Director for We Are Allies, a nonprofit organization focused on fighting the stigma of opioid addiction, driving policy, and increasing Narcan access and training. At ClinEdge, a clinical research agency, she was the Director of Patient Recruitment & Retention Strategies. At Nutter McClennen & Fish, Edie worked in practice development, supporting the Emerging Companies, Life Sciences and Medical Device Groups.
Edie is an InnoVets Entrepreneur Pitch Competition Judge; a former MIT Enterprise Forum ‘Most Innovation Pitch’ Judge and MassChallenge Mentor. She is currently on the J1 Advisory Board at the Irish International Immigrant Center and supports awareness campaigns for the Sickle Cell Disease Association of Illinois.